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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Review-"Last Holiday"

While the critics were mixed on this film (it got a 56% on Rotten Tomatoes), I was blown away by it. This is definitely one of the best films I've seen this year (maybe even the best). When a movie can inspire you to improve your life and live it to the fullest, that is the sign of greatness. Everybody should watch it for the inspiration it provides.

Queen Latifah does a great job in the lead role but none of the other actors really stand out. Despite being a comedy, there isn't a ton of laughs. The story is the main draw.

The movie is about a women who is diagnosed with a rare disease that will claim her life in a few weeks. After feeling sorry for herself for a few days, she decides to pick herself up and do everything she has dreamed of doing. It is a great story that is both inspirational and emotional.

Pros: Queen Latifah does a great job in the lead role; the story is great and very inspirational.
Cons: None of the other actors stand out; it isn't that funny.

Rating: ****1/2 (out of 5)

After reading my brothers post you would think this is a can't miss movie. I don't totally agree with him though. I agree with him that the story is inspirational. This movie makes you want to live your life to it's fullest. I also agree with him that Queen Latifah does a good job. She is by far the star of the movie. None of the rest of the actors do a very good job. Some even do a poor job.
Now lets get to the faults of this movie. First of all the movie claims to be a comedy but has very few funny moments. I had one other problem. I believe the story dragged on at times. I believe it started off slowly and had some other slow parts as well.
This movie is not for everyone. If you were expecting a comedy you will be sadly disappointed. If you do not like inspirational movies this is not for you. If you like action filled movies this is not for you. If you like a nice feel good story that teaches you a lesson on how to live your life this movie is for you. Be warned this movie has a chance to change your outlook on life.

Pros: Inspirational story, Queen Latifah does good job
Cons: Not very funny, No other actors stand out, slow at times, not for everyone
Rating: *** (out of 5)


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