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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Review-"The Godfather"

Genre-Drama, Classic, Crime
Starring-Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan
Rotten Tomatoes Score-100% (95% Users)

This was the first time I watched this classic (and #3 on the AFI top 100). Unfortunately, I was very disappointed with the movie. I don't really know why it is a classic. For me, it was just another crime movie that was way too long.

The acting was great but I just wasn't a huge fan of the story. It moved way too slow and there was so much that could have been cut out. I can't believe that a movie about mobsters could be so boring at times.

I don't know what it is about the classics that I don't like. Maybe I just go into them with too high of expectations as I am almost always disappointed in these top movies. This was another example.

Pros: Great acting
Cons: Story moves too slow

Rating: ***1/2 (Out of 5)


At Thursday, June 01, 2006 9:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the difference is the timing of your viewing of the movie. It is a classic from its time and at the time, no one had done a movie like this. People were hot to see it the way they are about The Davinci Code right now. A generation goes by and the viewpoint changes drastically.


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