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Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Rated-R (violence and demonic images)
Genre-Action, Drama
Starring-Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Shia LaBeouf, Tilda Swinton, Peter Stormare, and more.
Rotten Tomatoes Score-46% (68% Users)

This movie based on the Hellblazer comic book series bored me to tears. The story is pretty original but it just doesn't have enough action. In addition, the hero of the story isn't quite as lovable as you would hope. I really didn't care about him or his cause.

Other than Keanu Reeves, the acting is quite wooden and uninspired. In particular, Rachel Weisz was incredibly boring as the helpful cop. Reeves does do a pretty good job even with the weak character he plays.

I have no idea why this movie got an R rating. There isn't a whole lot of blood and the "demonic images" aren't even any worse than those on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This really should have gotten a PG-13 rating. Regardless, this movie is only for the diehard superhero and comic fans. Even they may be bored with this film. It is the worst comic book based movie I've seen.

Pros: Reeves does a pretty good job acting, the story is original.
Cons: The story will bore pretty much everyone, other than Reeves the acting is terrible.

Rating: **1/2 (Out of 5)


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