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Thursday, June 08, 2006


Genre-Science Fiction, Action, Drama
Starring-James Spader, Kurt Russell, Jaye Davidson, Viveca Lindfors, and more.
Rotten Tomatoes Score-41% (80% Users)

The prequel to the hit SciFi show Stargate SG-1 was a decent movie but it dragged on way too often. The concept was quite original but more could have been done with it. The acting was ok but nobody stood out. It was weird seeing a pre-lawyer James Spader though. Some of the characters were interesting (Daniel especially) but many were too generic for my taste.

If you like science fiction, this movie will definitely be for you. Everybody else will likely be bored with the slow moving story and cookie cutter characters.

Pros: Original story
Cons: Story moves too slow, many generic characters

Rating: *** (Out of 5)


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