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Friday, June 09, 2006

Review-"Black Sheep"

Genre-Comedy, Stupid
Starring-Chris Farley, David Spade, Tim Matheson
Rotten Tomatoes Score-26% (69% Users)

I loved Chris Farley in Beverly Hill's Ninja, Tommy Boy, and Lois & Clark but I thought Black Sheep was just plain dumb. It just never found a rhythm and it always seemed like it was just thrown together. The movie was also deathly short at just over 80 minutes. This was probably because the concept was so limited in what could be done.

The acting is awful but that is understandable since both Farley and Spade go for laughs over acting talent. I always love the wacky characters Farley plays but I just wished he would have tried something new for once. If you liked any other Farley movie, you will probably get a few laughs out of this. Anybody that hates slapstick and stupid humor should stay far away.

Pros: Funny but not as much as other Farley movies.
Cons: Story is way too limited, seems thrown together, too short.

Rating: **1/2 (Out of 5)


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