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Friday, June 23, 2006


Rated-PG-13 (sexual content and dialogue, violence, and thematic elements)
Genre-Musical, Drama, Award For Best Picture
Starring-Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, Queen Latifah, John C. Reilly
Rotten Tomatoes Score-88% (84% Users)

I'm usually disappointed with the Academy's picks for Best Picture when I get around to watching them. However, I was quite impressed by this award winner. The songs were very catchy, the acting was great, and the plot put some originality into your typical murder story.

Let's talk about the music and dancing first. Most of the songs had me tapping my feet. I especially loved the title track "And All That Jazz" and "Razzle Dazzle." I liked the music so much that I went out and got the soundtrack. The dancing and other elements were creative (though very strange at times).

The acting from veterans like Zellweger, Zeta-Jones, and Gere was as good as you would expect. Zellweger in particular plays a very intriguing role. Gere plays a great cocky, splashy lawyer. Zeta-Jones' talents aren't used quite enough.

If you like musicals at all, make sure to give this film a watch. If you aren't a fan of song and dance, you will be puzzled as to how this won the Best Picture. You still might get some enjoyment out of it though.

Pros: Great music, solid acting, original story.
Cons: Story isn't developed enough.

Rating: ***1/2 (Out of 5)


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