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Friday, June 16, 2006

Review-"Fun With Dick and Jane"

Rated-PG-13 (brief language, some sexual humor, and occasional humorous drug references)
Starring-Jim Carrey, Tea Leoni, Richard Jenkins, Alec Baldwin
Rotten Tomatoes Score-28% (49% Users)

I went into this movie knowing that I wouldn't be that impressed with it and I certainly wasn't. While there are some occasional laughs, the plot was ridiculous and the acting was subpar.

The plot is interesting to begin with (in this corrupt corporate world) but when the two have to turn to robbery, it gets very unbelievable. Unfortunately, neither Carrey or Leoni help matters with their so-so acting. This is probably Carrey's weakest acting job of all-time.

Still, if you are a fan of Jim Carrey humor you will probably have a pretty good time. This film doesn't stray far from his usual material. However, I personally didn't find this to be very funny. The funniest part was the start of the credits. I won't spoil it for you but if you know your current events, you'll be laughing out loud.

Jim Carrey fans should probably give this one a rent. Almost everybody else can pass on it. I wished I would have.

Pros: Occasionally funny.
Cons: Unbelievable story, so-so acting, very inconsistentally funny.

Rating: **1/2 (Out of 5)

Fun with Dick and Jane is a comedy about a man who was fired from his company after a coporate scandal. Dick loses all his money and has to resort to stealing anything he can get his hands on.

The premise doesn't sound that bad but the execution fails. The acting is average at best. The movie tries to be funny throughout but fails most of the time. This is probably Jim Carey's worst movie. He is the star of the movie but he still fails to bring this movie out the gutter.

The movie is funny at times but it never has those laugh out loud moments. I have seen worse movies but not a lot. If you have seen all the other new comedies you wouldn't go wrong trying this one. Don't expect too much though or you will be severely disappointed.

Pros: Funny at times
Cons: Average acting, very very inconsistent
Rating: **1/2 (Out of 5)


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